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The Pinecone
October 2013
• 9 •
E n e r g i z e !
Simple Ways to Revitalize
Are you tired of feeling tired? Does
your fatigue rule your daily activities?
Do you want to be more active? Years
ago the philosophy of growing old was
to retire, rest, and take it easy. Today’s
way of life for retired folks is stay
busy, enjoy your hobbies, and keep
moving. Most Kirby Pines residents’
appointment books stay booked up. I
would much rather hear someone say,
Sorry I won’t make your exercise class
today: I have too much to do.” Rather
than I’m too tired to do anything.” The
Arthritis Foundation recently printed
an article with some great tips to boost
your energy level and restore that happy,
vibrant feeling.
When we try to relieve stress, we
often turn to “comfort” foods and a way
to get away from it all. Some of our
choices actually steal away our energy:
Television often over stimulates our
minds like choosing a channel, raises
our stress and emotion levels and
watching hours at a time makes us feel
sluggish and stiff.
Highly caffeinated beverages may
give us a sudden burst of energy, but
that soon wears away leaving us in a
down mood and it may interfere with
a good night’s sleep which causes even
more fatigue.
Fatty and fried foods and
sugary snacks also give us that
quick energy but can cause a
sudden drop in blood sugar
bringing on that sinking feeling.
Try some of these helpful ideas
the next time you feel a little
Check your posture. Slumping
makes your muscles work harder
than sitting up right.
Make time for quiet time.
Prayer and meditation relaxes your
body, slows breathing, lowers blood
pressure, and relieves worry.
a glass of
cold water.
is a major cause
of fatigue. Try to
get in 8 glasses
daily. Water
also improves
d i g e s t i o n ,
function. Even
Michelle Obama
our nation to drink
more fluids.
Be positive with yourself. Speak
to yourself with encouragement not
criticism. “It’s a new day!” “ Take quit
out of your vocabulary “
Wear red. A brightly colored scarf or
sweater can improve your mood and
Listen to good music. Irish folk music
with fiddles and accordions invigorates
Laugh out Loud (LOL). A good
chuckle, giggle, or side-busting guffaw
reduces stress, lowers blood pressure,
and raises endorphins, our body’s
natural painkiller. Read the comics,
watch an Andy Griffith rerun, or
connect with someone who shares your
sense of humor.
Get enough sleep.
Pop a peppermint in your mouth.
The scent of peppermint can decrease
fatigue by up to 25 percent.
Exercise and stretch every day,
several times each day.
Step away from the TV and
fatty, sugary foods and step up your
energy level with some of the many
opportunities Kirby Pines has to offer.
Join a card group or play Bingo. Sign up
for a Bible study. Join one of the exercise
classes that are available Monday
through Friday to help with stretching,
cardio, exercise and strengthening.
The Oasis exercise room never closes.
Ask Mary Hand in the Oasis about a
program just right for you.