Page 5 - Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone

The Pinecone
October 2014 • 5 •
Overal l Heal th Shou ld
If you have any questions please contact:
Jason Sparrow at 901.366.1819
or Allyson Boykin at 901.229.8396
lease join us on Monday, October 20th in the
PAC to hear a Smart Moves lecture on the topic
of Dental hygiene/ oral health. We will provide
you with knowledge and tips on how to keep your smile
bright! Wellness Coordinator, Allyson Boykin will be
giving this lecture. We look forward to seeing everyone
at 10:00 AM sharp!
id you know that oral health plays a role in
your overall health status? Oral health is a
very commonly overlooked component to
one’s health and wellness. Many people suffer from oral
health issues without even knowing they have an issue.
According to the CDC a quarter of persons over the age
of 65 have no remaining teeth, and a third of older adults
have untreated tooth decay and/or gum disease. Many do
not realize that these issues are associated with chronic
diseases and severe health conditions. Luckily, oral
health is something we have control over and we have
the ability to improve.