Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone

The Pinecone | April 2019 • 17 • Puzzle Choice 23. Part of a volcano 24. Males 25. Before noon 27. Deuce 29. Musical interval 30. Part of a deck 31. Body of water 34. Dissimilar 37. Dull pain 38. Play on words 39. Tide 40. Protrude 41. Transportation charge 42. Water barrier 43. Escaping fluid 45. Litter of pigs 47. Globe 48. Sense organ 49. Charge 50. Twitch 51. Exude 52. Small snake 55. Ripped 58. Aura 60. Reimburse 62. Tusk 64. Travel endorsement 66. Den 67. Fictitious 68. Finished 69. Skin condition 70. Swift 71. Changed location 72. Mesh 12. Bird shelter 13. Squad 20. Berserk 22. Aquatint 40. Container 41. Cook 43. Hawaiian garland 44. Every one 59. Declare sole 61. Zeal 63. So far 65. Prowess Solution PUZZ L E CHA L L ENGE G i an t C r o s s wo r d ACROSS 1. Final aggregate 4. Short intake of breath 8. Livid 13. Diminutive 14. Singing voice 15. Relinquish 16. Redact 17. Scottish valley 18. Fairies 19. Hawaiian greeting 21. Impulse 23. Part of a volcano 24. Males 25. Before noon 27. Deuce 29. Musical interval 30. Part of a deck 31. Body of water 34. Dissimilar 37. Dull pain 38. Play on words 39. Tide 40. Protrude 41. Transportation harge 42. Water barrier 43. Escaping fluid 45. Litter of pigs 47. Globe 48. Sense organ 49. Charge 50. Twitch 51. Exude 52. Small snake 55. Ripped 58. Aura 60. Reimburse 62. Tusk 64. Travel endorsement 66. Den 67. Fictitious 68. Finished 69. Skin condition 70. Swift 71. Changed location 72. Mesh DOWN 1. Move sideways 2. Political unit 3. Traditional story 4. Joke 5. The power to attract 6. Rear part of a ship 7. Classic computer game 8. Wonderment 9. Fusillade 10. Teeming multitude 11. Level 12. Bird shelter 13. Squad 20. Berserk 22. Aquatint 26. Single 28. Very small (Scottish) 29. Gratuity 30. Perform 31. Box 32. Currency 33. Afresh 34. Reverse an action 35. Approach 36. Young animal 37. Seabird 40. Container 41. Cook 43. Hawaiian garland 44. Every one 45. Felt cap 46. Affirm 49. Relax 50. Laconic 51. Mediterranean fruit (see photo for hint) 52. Rapidly 53. Holy person 54. Funeral fire 55. Petty quarrel 56. Elliptical 57. Theatrical part 59. Declare solemnly 61. Zeal 63. So far 65. Prowess Puzzle Solutions - page 21