Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone

The Pinecone | April 2020 • 17 • Puzzle Choice 26. Variety of kale 31. Relative duration of a musical note 33. Large semiaquatic rodent 34. Baffling question or problem 37. Clock face 39. A flock of quail 40. Appropriate 41. Move sideways 42. Regret 43. Approach 45. Bard 46. Provide food or sustenance 48. Misprints 50. Repulse 52. Ornamental framework 54. Clone 57. Orderly 59. Two-channel 61. Mixed food consisting of greens 65. A flat float 67. Cereal grain husks 68. Form of quartz 69. Group of three 70. List of names 71. Cringe 72. Musical instrument 73. Ground forces ___ river 13. Attempt 21. Evidence of past injury 41. A blank area 44. Rodent 46. Fractional monetary unit 64. Consumed 66. Evergreen tree Solution PUZZ L E CHA L L ENGE G i an t C r o s s wo r d ACROSS 1. Part of the neck 5. Database 9. Visual display of information 14. Zeal 15. Reverberate 16. Wimble 17. Birdcall 18. Glows red in a vacuum tube 19. Indigent 20. A physiological need to drink 22. Air current 24. Type of spiny tree or shrub 26. Variety of kale 31. Relative duration of a musical note 33. Large semiaquatic rodent (see photo ofr hint) 34. Baffling question or problem 37. Clock face 39. A flock of quail 40. Appropriate 41. Move sideways 42. Regret 43. Approach 45. Bard 46. Provide food or sustenance 48. Misprints 50. Repulse 52. Ornamental framework 54. Clone 57. Orderly 59. Two-channel 61. Mixed food consisting of greens 65. A flat float 67. Cereal grain husks 68. Form of quartz 69. Group of three 70. List of names 71. Cringe 72. Musical instrument 73. Ground forces DOWN 1. Bird shelter 2. Hawaiian greeting 3. Overwhelming fear and anxiety 4. Carve 5. Edible round flat seed 6. Frozen water 7. Display 8. Restorative 9. Taper 10. Chromaticity 11. Historic period 12. Mississippi tributary, ___ river 13. Attempt 21. Evidence of past injury 23. Baronial 25. Sound 27. Research workplace, in short 28. Obviate 29. Variety show 30. Machine for extracting moisture 32. Type of duck 34. Dialog box 35. Drama set to music 36. Commence 38. Modify 41. A blank area 44. Rodent 46. Fractional monetary unit 47. Form of math 49. Material for starting a fire 51. Mechanical device 53. Underground den of a fox 55. Mistake 56. Domain 58. Edible tuberous root 60. Merely 61. Pouch 62. In the past 63. Jurisprudence 64. Consumed 66. Evergreen tree Puzzle Solutions - page 23 Content Created Prior to COVID-19 Outbreak