Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone

The Pinecone | December 2020 • 17 • Puzzle Choice 24. Court game 26. Violent disorder 31. Used for cruising or racing 33. China clay 34. Emboss 37. Mature 39. Cheap club 40. Swine 41. Wader 42. Precious stone 43. Translucent mineral 45. Pitcher 46. Small monetary unit 48. Rescind 50. The other side of credit 52. Perfidy 54. Choose 57. Stalk 59. Musteline mammal 61. Scrounge 65. Blocking vote 67. In the vicinity 68. Assumed name 69. Arab ruler 70. Church recess 71. Consecrate 72. Hawser 73. Scallion 13. Crafty 21. Photo 23. Rouse 46. Heap 47. Perpetual 49. Evaluate Solution PUZZ L E CHA L L ENGE G i an t C r o s s wo r d ACROSS 1. Smaller in amount 5. Boundary 9. Media 14. Friend 15. Home of China's terracotta army 16. Malicious publication 17. Blood vessel 18. Leave out 19. Monastery 20. Solicit 22. Reported inf rmation 24. Court game 26. Violent disord r 31. Used for cruising or racing 33. China clay 34. Emboss 37. Mature 39. Cheap club 40. Swine 41. Wader 42. Precious stone 43. Translucent mineral 45. Pitcher 46. Small monetary unit 48. Rescind 50. The other side of credit 52. Perfidy 54. Choose 57. Stalk 59. Musteline mammal (see photo for hint) 61. Scrounge 65. Blocking vote 67. In the vicinity 68. Assumed name 69. Arab ruler 70. Church recess 71. Consecrate 72. Hawser 73. Scallion DOWN 1. Molten rock 2. Select by vote 3. Serving 4. Equivalent word 5. Strange 6. Obtuse 7. Profit 8. Go in 9. Serum 10. Cut of meat 11. Flow back 12. Understand 13. Crafty 21. Photo 23. Rouse 25. Termagant 27. Seed case 28. Adjust 29. Presumption 30. Foe 32. Exhausted 34. Brusque 35. Drinker 36. Wide open in awe 38. Cogitates 41. Serf 44. Pasture 46. Heap 47. Perpetual 49. Evaluate 51. Previously 53. Not at all 55. Thin pancake 56. Pester 58. Note 60. Journey 61. Taxi 62. The whole amount 63. Number cubes 64. Fuel 66. Gratuity Puzzle Solutions - page 23