Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone
The Pinecone | December 2022 • 17 • Page 1 o p:// CROSS . A tall mechanical lifting evice . Natural sweetener 1. Not a winner 2. Abundant 5. Time of the year 6. Reproducing documents 7. Flat hat 8. Approaching 0. Holiday drink 1. Ardent 3. Accomplished 4. Cone-bearing trees 5. Heredity unit 6. Clump of hair 7. Glazier's unit 8. Border 9. Addition 0. Finger jewelry 1. Relevant 4. Buffalo 6. Diety 7. Long, long time 1. Ends a prayer 2. Moving vehicles 3. Smack 4. Pesky insect 5. Assess 6. Directional antenna 7. Small piece of cloth 8. Expunges 1. Buddhist sect 2. First letters 4. Craving 6. Restraining device 7. Bay window 8. Foe 9. Joyous DOWN 1. Split 2. Wandering 3. Donkey 4. Used in advertising signs 5. Coastal raptor 6. Run very fast 7. Liquid bodily waste 8. Percussion instrument 9. Astern 10. Destroying 13. Breathes noisily while sleeping 14. They come from hens 15. Phase 16. Squanderers 19. No longer a child 22. Recessed 24. Daydream 26. Anagram of "Rent" 27. Bowling target 30. Crimsons 32. Anagram of "One" 33. 9 person musical group 34. A yellow fruit 35. Form a mental image 38. Glassworker 39. Keenly 40. Backbone 42. Region between hill 44. Filled with gloom 45. Domain 48. Cubes 49. Ancient Dead Sea kingdom 50. Arid 53. Browning of skin 55. Mister FREE SHIPPING SHOP NOW PUZZLE CHALLENGE | Giant Crossword ACROSS 1. A tall mechanical lifting device 6. Natural sweetener 11. Not a winner 12. Abundant 15. Time of the year 16. Reproducing documents 17. Flat hat 18. Approaching 20. Holiday drink (see photo for hint) 21. Ardent 23. Accomplished 24. Cone-bearing trees 25. Heredity unit 26. Clump of hair 27. Glazier's unit 28. Border 29. Additio 30. Finger jewelry 31. Relevant 34. Buffalo 36. Diety 37. L ng, long time 41. Ends a prayer 42. Moving vehicles 43. Smack 44. Pesky insect 45. Assess 46. Directional antenna 47. Small piece of cloth 48. Expunges 51. Buddhist sect 52. First letters 54. Craving 56. Restraining device 57. Bay window 58. Foe 59. Joyous DOWN 1. Split 2. Wandering 3. Donkey 4. Used in advertising signs 5. Coastal raptor 6. Run very fast 7. Liquid bodily waste 8. Percussion instrument 9. Astern 10. Destroying 13. Breathes noisily while sleeping 14. They come from hens 15. Phase 16. Squanderers 19. No longer a child 22. Recessed 24. Daydream 26. Anagram of "Rent" 27. Bowling target 30. Crimsons 32. Ana ram of "One" 33. 9 person musical group 34. A yellow fruit 35. Form a mental image 38. Glassworker 39. Keenly 40. Backbone 42. Region between hills 44. Filled with gloom 45. Domain 48. Cubes 49. Ancient Dead Sea kingdom 50. Arid 53. Browning of skin 55. Mister Puzzle Solutions - page 23
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