Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone

• 20 • The Pinecone | February 2025 PICTURING LIFE AT KIRBY PINES Barbara Flack & Gerry Beckley try to stay warm in the snow. Bagpiper at Burns Night. Photo by Steve Martin Kay Sears takes some time to work at the puzzle table. SNOW, BOOK SALE AND GENERAL FUN Mary Ann Thurmond creates a Snow Angel. Photo by Roy Thurmond Alice Petty, Joan Gilliland and Paula Hanson check out the Book Sale. Photo by Marsha Greiner Lee Todd is ready to play in the snow that got dumped in Memphis overnight. Judy Edmands finds something special at the Book Sale. Barbara Pender enjoys her time in the Kirby Pines Library. Pat Simmons has a fabulous lunch at River Oaks. Mary Lou Shannon returns to Kirby after the Pompeii Exhibit.