Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone
The Pinecone | July 2019 • 17 • Puzzle Choice 24. Operated 25. Scintilla 27. London cathedral 29. Lead an orchestra 32. Belonging to him 33. Remuneration 34. Average 36. Coarse cotton fabric 40. Make a mistake 41. Ostler 43. Misfire 44. Type of tree 47. Music symbol 48. Sheep pen 49. Paddle 51. Unforseen difficulty 53. Tool 57. Vascular plant 58. Rotating disc 59. Possessed knowledge 61. Rationality 65. Gem 67. Profound 69. Rock 70. Small island 71. Always 72. Approximately in or at 73. Encounter 74. Make anew 75. Composition for eight instruments 46. Whorl 48. Rabid 50. Pesent formally 13. Between 12 and 20 21. Bitten by an insect 23. Long poem for pay Solution PUZZ L E CHA L L ENGE G i an t C r o s s wo r d ACROSS 1. Strip of leather 6. Fibbed 10. Golf stroke 14. Not restrained 15. Having the means to do something 16. Succulent plant 17. Broadcasting live 18. Female opera star 19. Stringed instrum nt 20. Court game 22. Withered 24. Operated 25. Scintilla 27. London cathedral 29. Lead an orchestra 32. Belonging to him 33. Remuneration 34. Average 36. Coarse cotton fabric 40. Make a mistake 41. Ostler 43. Misfire 44. Type of tree 47. Music symbol 48. Sheep pen 49. Paddle 51. Unforseen difficulty 53. Tool 57. Vascular plant (see photo for hint) 58. Rotating disc 59. Possessed knowledge 61. Rationality 65. Gem 67. Profound 69. Rock 70. Small island 71. Always 72. Approximately in or at 73. Encounter 74. Make anew 75. Composition for eight instruments DOWN 1. Coin aperture 2. Tincture 3. Type of horse 4. Vacuous 5. Full stop 6. Man or boy 7. Wading bird 8. Fairies 9. Severe shortage 10. Friend 11. Ayer's Rock 12. Sum 13. Between 12 and 20 21. Bitten by an insect 23. Long poem 26. Fruit of the oak 28. Type of tree 29. Aid 30. Fiend 31. Group of soldiers 33. Entanglement 35. Theme 37. Object of worship 38. Void 39. Peculiar 42. Measuring instrument 45. Swindle 46. Whorl 48. Rabid 50. Pesent formally 52. Wall painting 53. Curtain fabric 54. Temporary inactivity 55. Stroll 56. Pass a rope through 60. Remove unwanted plants 62. Variety 63. One time 64. Orderly 66. Up to the present time 68. Athlete who plays for pay Puzzle Solutions - page 23