Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone
The Pinecone | July 2022 • 19 • George Courington and Peggy Hogan get a photo with a decked out Miata. Billie Jean Ratliff and Lee Brown get out to enjoy the show. Peter Jones and Shirley Anderson brush up on their cornhole skills. PICTURING LIFE AT KIRBY PINES Fran Gentry enjoys a frozen treat from the Mr. Softee Ice Cream Truck. Flo Seward with two of her daughters enjoy the day together. Bill and Gay Ramia are surrounded by generations of family to celebrate Father's Day at Kirby Pines. Bonnie Johnson (Cheryl's sister-in-law), Cheryl Johnson and Jimmy Latimer enjoy the sunny day. Dennis Renick gets a kick out of this classic 1923 Model T. KIRBY PINES ANNUAL FATHER'S DAY CLASSIC CAR SHOW
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