Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone

The Pinecone | May 2019 • 17 • Puzzle Choice 25. Bovines 27. Farrago 29. Abjure 32. Label 33. States 34. Necessity 36. Dissonance 40. Consumed 41. Leg joints 43. Condensation 44. Coniferous tree 47. Engrave 48. Mirth 49. Golfing term 51. Kind of hawk 53. Disperse 57. Chinese currency 58. Part of a circle 59. Blemish 61. Circus tent 65. Grassy surface layer 67. Highly excited 69. Push 70. Notion 71. Certain 72. Avid 73. Bird shelter 74. Swarm 75. Elegant and stylish 12. Type of gesture 13. Minimize loss or risk 42. Low woody perennial plant 64. Saucy 66. Adipose tissue 68. Jewel Solution PUZZ L E CHA L L ENGE G i an t C r o s s wo r d ACROSS 1. Pontifical 6. Competitive advantage 10. Reckless 14. Corpulent 15. Plant with pendulous flowers 16. Dull persistent pain 17. Looks furtively 18. Liberated 19. Unit of language 20. Tension 22. Story 24. Floor covering 25. Bovines (see photo for hint) 27. Farrago 29. Abjure 32. Label 33. States 34. Necessity 36. Dissonance 40. Consumed 41. Leg joints 43. Condensation 44. Coniferous tree 47. Engrave 48. Mirth 49. Golfing term 51. Kind of hawk 53. Disperse 57. Chinese currency 58. Part of a circle 59. Blemish 61. Circus tent 65. Grassy surface layer 67. Highly excited 69. Push 70. Notion 71. Certain 72. Avid 73. Bird shelter 74. Swarm 75. Elegant and stylish DOWN 1. Sharp explosive sounds 2. Assist in wrongdoing 3. Look searchingly 4. Characteristics to be considered 5. Someone who grants a lease 6. Fairy 7. Grime 8. Flash of light 9. Cringle 10. Uncooked 11. Fruit of the oak 12. Type of gesture 13. Minimize loss or risk 21. Imposingly fashionable and elegant 23. Panache 26. Vista 28. In the past 29. Charge per unit 30. Looked at 31. Projections on a gear 33. Pouch 35. Rot 37. Not in active use 38. Oracle 39. Female sheep 42. Low woody perennial plant 45. Pertinent 46. Rodents 48. Fabric in a plaid weave 50. Meal 52. Brings up 53. Smooth fabric 54. Rough 55. Units of area 56. Villain 60. Ripped 62. Worn in ancient Rome 63. Finished 64. Saucy 66. Adipose tissue 68. Jewel Puzzle Solutions - page 21