Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone

The Pinecone | October 2024 • 15 • Oct 2: Bridge Group The Bridge Group meets every Wednes- day at 6:00 pm in the LCR and is open to all residents. Bring a partner and come join us. There is a sign-up binder in the hallway near the Bistro. Oct 3: Bible Study with Dave Phillips Join Germantown Church of Christ’s Dave Phillips as he leads a group Bible Study every Thursday at 10:00 am in the chapel. All denominations invited. Oct 3: Series: 1883 The post-Civil war generation of the Dutton family travels to Texas and joins a wagon train undertaking the arduous journey west to Oregon, before settling in Montana to establish what would even- tually become the Yellowstone Ranch. Showtime is at 1:30 pm in the Theatre. Oct 4: Strength Training As we age, it is so important that we main- tain our strength in order to independent- ly care for ourselves and loved ones. Join us every Friday at 10:15 am in the PAC for our strengthening exercise class. Oct 4 & 18: Cornhole Club Come out and join us for our newest trending game, cornhole. Whether you’re new to playing, or an expert, everyone is welcome. Join us in the LCR at 10:30 am for a fun time. Oct 4: Yoga Stretch Gentle yoga can be very effective for se- niors in preventing or slowing down the loss of bone density, and relieving bone and joint pain. Come on out and join Ms. Kim every Friday at 10:45 am in the PAC. Oct 4: Magic & Music with Raushan Hammond Master Magician & Illusionist Raushan Hammond is an Actor & Entertainer. He studied magic at the Magic Castle in Hol- lywood CA. It’s the ultimate variety show with magic & illusions but he also sings many of your favorite hits from the Rat Pack and much more. This Vegas style show kicks off at 6:00 pm in the PAC. Oct 5: Men’s Christian Fellowship The Men’s Christian Fellowship meets ev- ery Saturday morning at 8:00 am. Come enjoy coffee and fellowship with us each week. There is a rotating list of resident speakers who give a devotion at each meeting. All men are welcome and en- couraged to attend. Oct 6: Church of Christ Service Our service will be every Sunday at 8:00 am in the Chapel. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Oct 6: Worship Service Whether you come join us or watch our from home, be sure to catch our Sunday service at 10:00 am in the PAC. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Oct 7: Hobby Pines Group Enjoy wood working? Join the Hobby Pines group. We meet every Monday at 10:00 am in the Hobby Shop. Oct 7: Poetry & Writing Club The Poetry Writing Group at 10:00 am in the LCR. Our assignment this month is to write anything from a story starter not longer than 500-600 words. An example being: “I was soundly asleep when the…” and finish it however you want. If you are interested in writing, come check out the group. We meet for one hour each month, and everyone gets a chance to read what they wrote discuss upcoming prompts. It’s fun and we hope to see you there. Oct 7: Bingo Who dones’t love Bingo? You’re sure to make a new friend or catch up with some old friends. Join us in the PAC ev- ery Monday night at 6:00 pm. Cards are $1 to play, limit 2 cards per person. Oct 8: Birthday Meal Attention birthday folks! We want to cel- ebrate you! Grab some friends and join us for lunch or dinner to celebrate your birthday. Be sure to RSVP with Rachel Ward @ 901-866-4414 to reserve your ta- ble. Oct 8 & 22: Afternoon Bridge Bridge will begin at 1:00 pm on Tuesday afternoons. If you would like to join come out to the LCR. Oct 8: Courage Under Fire A U.S. Army officer, despondent about a deadly mistake he made, investigates a female chopper commander’s worthiness for the Medal of Honor. Showtimes are 1:30 pm & 6:30 pm in the Theatre. Oct 9: Covid Vaccines The most recently updated version of the Covid-19 vaccine will be available on Oc- tober 9th in the PAC from 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Any Resident wishing to be vaccinat- ed will need to register in advance. Infor- mation is available in the Wellness Center or by calling 901.369.7309. Oct 9: Garden Gro'ers We might believe that we are nurturing our garden, but really our garden is nur- turing us. If you enjoy gardening as much as we do, we would love for you to become a member of our gardening community. Join us in the Greenhouse at 10:30 am. Oct 9: Kiss the Girls Police hunting for a serial kidnapper are helped when a victim manages to escape for the first time. Showtimes are 1:30 pm & 6:30 pm in the Theatre. Oct 9: Travelers: The Mousetrap Theatre Memphis presents The Mouse- trap. Based on the Agatha Christie classic who-done-it. We will meet in the lobby at 6:00 pm. Tickets are $10 and transporta- tion is $5 and can be charged to your ac- count. Oct 11: Hamateurs: Fall Festival of Fun Come laugh with The Hamateur Club at 6:30 pm in the PAC. Skits, stories, and toe-tapping music are on the agenda this evening. Don’t miss out! Oct 12 & 26: Trivia Group All residents are welcome to attend this noncompetitive activity, and are encour- aged to participate, or just listen and en- joy. The theme this month will be Movies & TV, however, trivia questions can be presented on any topic. Join us at 6:15 pm in the ante room. Oct 13: Hymn Sing with Leon Please Join us in the Chapel for a resident led Hymn singing with Mr. Leon Sander- son. We will begin at 4:00 pm. Oct 14: Alterations Come to the Arts and Crafts room the 2nd Monday at 9:30 am for all your alter- ation needs. Oct 15: First Man A look at the life of the astronaut, Neil Armstrong, and the legendary space mis- sion that led him to become the first man to walk on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Showtimes are 1:30 pm & 6:30 pm in the Theatre.