Tennessee Shakespeare Co. - 2024-2025 Playbill
32 TNSHAKESPEARE.ORG TSC’S 2024-25 CLASSICAL THEATRE APPRENTICE PROGRAM Our second class of TSC’s six-month Classical Theatre Apprentice Program began on Labor Day 2024, welcoming six deserving actors/stage managers from around the country to perform, train, and teach with us into March 2025. They were selected through a rigorous audition and interview process from a field of more than 100 applicants. The CTA Program is focused on experiential, classical stage performance/production training and work designed to help emerging theatre artists launch and sustain their early professional careers. The Program focuses on immersive career development opportunities. Apprentices are guaranteed to act and teach or stage manage in multiple areas in a variety of productions. Program training is supervised by Producing Artistic Director Dan McCleary and focuses on developing the classical actor in areas of voice, movement, actor-audience relationship, structure of Shakespeare’s verse, clowning, dance, fight, auditioning, and the business of marketing oneself as an actor. Training includes master classes, mock auditions, and ongoing specialty training classes with TSC staff. The Program is managed by Stephanie Shine, and its teachers include Jeremy Fisher, Lauren Gunn, Sarah Hankins, Stephanie, and Dan. Apprentices work and train as TSC employees and receive a monthly salary while in Memphis. They provide their own accommodations and travel. If you might be interested in sponsoring or housing an Apprentice now or in the future, please contact Dan at danmccleary@tnshakespeare. org. You would be caring for a remarkable person who would likely be a friend for life! TSC’s 2024 Classical Theatre Apprentices
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