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The Pinecone
April 2014
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f r om Don J oh n s on , K i r b y P i n e s Chap l a i n
Chaplain’s COrner
Apr i l
Vesper Serv ices
If Not You, Who?
April 3rd
Father Augustine DeArmond
St. Peters Catholic Church
April 10th
Reverend Dr. Scott Alford
Colonial Park Methodist
April 17th
To Be Announced
April 24th
Everett Huffard
Dean of Harding School of Theology
This unique “Parable” applies to more
than the situations mentioned. It is
all too descriptive of a much larger
portion of our life today. Too often
we are like the characters in the
parable. Our priorities are messed up
and we live with feelings we’ve set
to an ultra-sensitive level. All too
easily we ignore responsibility, shun
accountability and rely on others to
do the job.
It’s been said there are two kinds of
people in the world today: (1) those who
are willing to work, and (2) those who
are willing to let them. It’s reflected in
the 20-80 rule. 20% of the people do
all of the work and make 80% of all the
sales. Which group will master us?
Can we continue leaving the job to
Nobody.” Dare we any longer stay
idle in facing the almost insurmountable
obstacles at every level of our culture?
Can we continue to leave the future in
the hands of leaderless government?
Can we allow the rich heritage and
foundation of our great country to
continue to crumble? Can we remain
silent while corruption and crime steal
precious values from us? Can we
continue to live without vision, still
unaware we are rushing toward another
Noahic Flood? Can we carelessly close
our eyes to the needs of so many around
us, especially in their personal
relation to God, or lack of it?
Today would be a great time
to break the cycle.
Let’s stop being “Somebody,
Everybody and Anybody.”
Let’s step up to
today’s responsibility.
Let’s strongly embrace this
moment’s opportunity
Fred Somebody, Thomas Everybody,
Peter Anybody, and Joe Nobody were
neighbors, but they were not like you
and me (or are they?). They were odd
people and most difficult to understand.
The way they lived was a shame.
All four belonged to the church, but you
would not have enjoyed worshipping
with them. Everybody went fishing on
Sunday or stayed home to visit friends.
Anybody wanted to worship but was
afraid Somebody wouldn’t speak to
him. So guess who went to church--uh,
Really, Nobody was the only decent one
of the four. Nobody did the visitation,
Nobody worked on the church building.
Once they needed a Sunday school
teacher. Everybody thought Anybody
would do it, and Anybody thought
Somebody would do it. And you know
who did it? That’s exactly right--
It happened that a fifth neighbor moved
into the area. Everybody thought
Somebody should invite him to church.
Anybody could have made the effort.
You probably know who finally did it.
I Corinthians 15:58 gives us great
insight: “Therefore…be steadfast,
immovable, always abounding in the
work of the Lord, knowing that you
labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
Remember, “if not you, who? if not
this, what? if not now, when?”
Till next time,
Don Johnson, Chaplain, Kirby Pines