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The Pinecone
August 2014
Kirby Pines Retirement Community
is managed by
Dr. James Latimer, Chairman
Mr. Rudy Herzke, President
Mr. Berry Terry, Secretary/Treasurer
Rev. Richard Coons
Mr. Jim Ethridge Dr. Fred Grogan
Ms. Mary Ann Hodges
Mr. Boyd Rhodes, Jr.
Charlie Trammell
President, RCA
Michael Escamilla
Executive Director, Kirby Pines
Annette Marlar
Director of Medical Services and HR
Lyle Bohlman, M.D.
Medical Director
Linda Huston
Director of Accounting
Don Johnson
Cheryl Grimes
Director of Activities/Social Events
Daniel Longstreth
Director of Environmental Services
Chuck Neeley
Director of Maintenance
Patrick O’Brien
Director of Dining Services
Mike Rayder
Director of Grounds & Landscaping
Calvin Sims
Director of Security
Faye Smith
Director of Transportation
This magazine is produced by
Marketing Department located at
N. Quail Hollow Rd., Suite 400
Memphis, TN 38120, 901-794-2598
Electronic version of
The Pinecone is
available at
Summer is officially here! Even
without a calendar, the higher
temperatures we are experiencing let us
know summer has arrived. During these
hot days, it is important to drink plenty
of fluids, stay out of the heat for long
periods, and above all have a sense of
humor. Humor can make these hot days
more bearable.
Summer is associated with picnics,
vacations, barbeque, watermelons,
fresh peaches, and family gatherings.
Summer is also associated with long
hot days and nights, known as “the dog
days of summer”. Just as staying inside,
drinking iced tea and eating ice cream
can help keep you cool in the summer,
a pleasant outlook can always help to
keep you “cool”. With this in mind,
allow me to share with you something
that a friend recently sent to me:
Smiling is infectious;
you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner
and someone saw my grin
When he smiled, I realized
I’d passed it on to him.
Sharing A Smile
a t K i r b y P i n e s
I thought about that smile,
and then I realized its worth,
Single smiles, just like mine
can travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin,
don’t leave it undetected
Let’s start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected.
I hope this brought a smile to your face,
and that you will keep that smile going
by sharing it with a friend. Remember
when the day or night is much too hot
for your comfort, soon, very soon, the
temperature will be changing. If we
are lucky, it will cool down just in time
to celebrate our annual Lighting of the
Lake in mid-September. Why not begin
by helping me honor my friend’s wish
and smile the summer away.
Kirby Pines
Ella Fraticelli has lived her life focused on the 4 daily disciplines of Compassion,
Verity, Patience and Gratitude, which makes her who she is today. And who she is today
is a woman who has a world of experience under her belt having balanced education,
family, career, religion, music, language, writing, travel and more.
She grew up in Japan where she attended school, Canada to further her education
and Tokyo for college. She worked for a German airline and moved to the USA after
marrying in 1964. When her husband was transferred, she became a cost accountant,
then a time standards analyst for General Electric. When they closed, she headed to
Memphis and worked for Sharp Manufacturing Co. as a cost accountant, manager of
procurement and, finally, interpreter/writer for the
president’s office before retiring in 2005.
Her true passion, she came to realize, is world
travel. She has visited Spain, Sardinia, Jordan,
Canada, Portugal, Capri, Syria, China, France,
Gibraltar, Lebanon, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Peru,
Egypt, Sinai and Mexico. She has a zest for life and
culture and plans to continue her quest to see places
others can only imagine. She has acquired small
treasures, mostly in photographs, from the places
she’s been and if you ask her, I’m sure she would be
delighted to share her adventures as she did with us.