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The Pinecone
March 2014
Beginning March 10th
Walk with Ease
Don Brown and his wife Connie
moved to Kirby Pines eight years ago.
He was Connie’s caretaker when her
health deteriorated. When it became
clear to them that her Parkinson’s was
too much for Don to care for her alone,
Connie moved to the Manor.
Don’s concern for his wife and the
many trips to visit her daily began
taking a toll on Don’s health, as he
spent less time taking care of himself.
Connie passed away April 25, 2011
and in December of the same year
Don experienced a major heart attack
and a second heart attack six months
later. All this caused him to require
using a motorized wheelchair just to
get to the manor and dining room.
Don worked on his own to get strong
enough to just walk the J, K, L, and M
halls on his good days.
In October, 2012, Don joined the
first Walk with Ease program that was
offered at Kirby Pines. When he called
to get his doctor’s approval: His doctor
didn’t approve… he insisted that he
join our program. His first walk for
ten minutes was so difficult; he could
hardly get back to the classroom. By
the end of the six weeks course, he
was walking for thirty minutes at a
good pace. After graduating the Walk
with Ease class, Don continued his
own walking program walking around
the halls and outside paths. He joined
the second class offered in the spring
and led the speedier walking group.
Don continues walking 40 minutes or
more six days a week. He plans to
join our next class March 10th. What
a great inspiration: someone who
accomplished his goal and encourages
others. And just think, it started with
only a ten minute walk.
A Walk with Ease
Success Story
Arthritis Foundation
Walk with Ease Program
Take Control, One Step at a Time
Have you enjoyed the Walk across
America Program? Congratulations to
everyone who is participating. We have
accumulated over 1400 miles so far and
more mileage is expected in these last
two weeks. March 10th is the last day to
report your steps. We’ll announce the
winner of the Exquisite Dinner for two
that week. Keep recording your mileage
in the Oasis to be eligible for the weekly
random drawing. No matter how many
steps you take, everyone wins when
they exercise.
Are you looking for a way to keep your
exercise program going? Or would you
like to begin a walking program? If you
can walk at least ten minutes and desire
to improve your overall health and well-
being, the Arthritis Foundation Walk
with Ease Program will teach you how
to safely make physical activity part
of your everyday life. Walk with Ease
offers support, information and tools to
help you succeed.
Walking has been proven to help with
weight loss, stress control, increasing
strength, balance, and walking pace,
as well as reducing pain. Classes will
begin March 10th meeting twice weekly
Mondays and Wednesdays for nine
weeks in the large card room at 10:30
am and led by Mary Hand who is a
trained Arthritis Foundation walking
leader. Each meeting begins with a pre-
walk discussion covering a topic related
to exercise and arthritis, followed by a
to 40-minute walk that includes
a warm-up and cool-down, stretches,
and take home exercises that will build
strength for walking. We will walk
inside to begin and when the weather
improves walking outside will be an
option. The program will include a
guidebook, lots of surprises and special
encouragements along the way.
The Class is limited to 15 participants.
Please register with Activities by
completing an application and release
form. For more information: call
Alexa or Mary in Activities. Before
starting any exercise program, always
check with your physician.
The Arthritis Foundation Walk with
Ease Program is an arthritis health
education and exercise program aimed
at helping people take greater control of
No matter if you need relief from
arthritis pain or just want to be more
active, this program is beneficial for