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The Backbone of Good Heal th
The Pinecone
March 2014 • 5 •
As we age, posture and body alignment becomes
more important everyday. So now the question is
what exactly is posture and how can it affect your
Posture is defined as a position that we carry our
body while we sit, stand or while lying down. Pos
ture is supported by muscle tension against gravity.
Without posture and strong support muscles, body
alignment would fall towards the ground. Having
good posture helps put the least amount of stress
on supporting muscles and ligaments during move
ment and weight-bearing activities. The less stress
demanded on the muscles working to hold us up,
helps reduce the risk of injuries. Correct alignment
of the body prevents the wearing down of joints,
therefore reducing the risk of joint pain and arthri
tis. Overall, proper posture allows the muscles,
ligaments and joints to work more efficiently and
require us to use less energy.
Poor posture puts an increased amount of stress and pressure on your lower spine,
which can result in lower back pain. It can also affect your overall well-being. Some of
the affects of poor posture include:
Limited range of motion and flexibility
Joint stiffness
Inability to breathe with ease
Muscular tension
Distorted skeletal alignment
Reduction of blood flow and oxygen to the brain
Abnormal wear and tear on connective tissues
Great predisposition to injury
Although some poor posture habits may need to be ad
dressed with medical professionals, some posture changes can
start by adapting and changing the ways we do daily tasks.
The key to achieving and maintaining good posture is focus
ing on body awareness and positioning. As well as, improving
muscle strength and flexibility.
To create better posture awareness, focus on keeping head
up, chin in and shoulders relaxed but not slouched. Imagine
a center line down the middle of your body, this keeps body
weight balanced and supported by the weight bearing arches
of the feet.
Please join us on March 17th to receive more information
about improving your posture. For further information, please contact
Jason Sparrow OTD, OTR/L at