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The Pinecone
September 2013
f r om Don J oh n s on , K i r b y P i n e s Chap l a i n
Chaplain’s COrner
Sep t embe r
Ve s pe r
Se r v i ce s
Seeing Things As They Are
September 5th
Rev. Dr. Will Jones
Germantown Presbyterian
September 12th
Rev. Nate Smith
Riveroaks Reformed Presbyterian
Music by Terry & Ruth Himebook
September 19th
Rev. Tiffany McClung
Peace Lutheran
September 26th
Rev. Phil Clements
Retired Minister-Central Church
How often we all jump to conclusions about circumstances or people. We see, but we don’t perceive. We hear, but we don’t
listen. We judge, but we don’t understand all the facts. The words of the following prayer have helped me refocus my life and
think more clearly about what is really behind the scenes. Maybe they’ll do the same for you.
Heavenly Father, Help us remember that the jerk who cut us off in traffic last night is a single father who worked nine hours
that day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the laundry and spend a few precious moments with his
Help us to remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man who can’t make change correctly is a worried 19-year-
old college student, balancing his apprehension over final exams with his fear of not getting his student loans for next semester.
Help us to understand that the tired-looking disinterested woman at the checkout is a single mom almost breaking under the
heavy weight of supporting and caring for her young children. She has spent a long day dealing with rude and critical shoppers
and is simply counting the minutes till she gets off and goes home.
Remind us, Lord, that the scary looking bum, begging for money in the same spot
every day (who really ought to get a job!) is a slave to addictions that we can only
imagine in our worst nightmares.
Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow through the store
aisles and blocking our shopping progress are savoring this moment, knowing that,
based on the biopsy report she got back last week, this will be the last year that they
go shopping together.
Heavenly Father, remind us each day that, of all the gifts you give us, the greatest
gift is love. It is not enough to share that love with those we hold dear. Open our
hearts not to just those who are close to us, but to all humanity. Let us be slow to
judge and quick to forgive, show patience, empathy and love.”
This prayer speaks so pointedly to me, and maybe to you! Today we can open our
eyes, ears and hearts to what is really happening in our lives and the lives of those
around us. Today we can offer understanding, love, and acceptance to those who
get so little, yet need so much. Today we can refocus on things as they really are,
not as they seem to be. Today, as we celebrate Kirby Pines 30th Anniversary, we
can praise God for the blessings we have and for all that He provides for us in this
great community.
Till next time,
Don Johnson, Chaplain – Kirby Pines