Page 4 - Kirby Pines Retirement Community | The Pinecone

lying on your back again, lift both
legs while you tighten your stomach
muscles. Hold for ten seconds. Don’t
forget to breathe. Relax for 10 seconds
and repeat every commercial break.
Sitting upright with your feet flat on
the floor, practice standing up. Repeat
times. Another variation is to almost
stand just raising your buttocks off the
chair and sit again. Make sure your
chair is sturdy and not a rocker. This
exercise can be repeated in reverse
where you begin standing and squat
like you are almost sitting and repeat 10
times. When you are ready to sit make
sure your chair is under your bottom
gently sit without a plop).
Move your wrists by rotating; waving
up and down. Open and close your fist.
Twiddle your thumbs and other fingers.
These are just a few simple exercises
that you can do while sitting on the
couch. If you take the dare and give these
a try, you may be pleasantly surprised
that energy, strength, and balance will
improve. If you like these, I have many
more exercises you may find useful.
Check out the Exercise class at 11:00 in
the Arts and Crafts Room on Tuesdays
and Thursdays. I dare you to try it.
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The Pinecone
June 2014
Are You A
Couch P tato?
A great big Thank You to everyone who showed their support of the Arthritis
Foundation by giving time, baked goodies, and donations for our bake sale
and Walk to Cure. Michelle Dooner from the Memphis Office of the Arthritis
Foundation came to the walk and encouraged us to keep moving and thanked
us for our gift. For those interested, we sold over 300 baked goods, registered
participants in the Walk to Cure activities, gave away 10 door prizes, and
collected 417 dollars to support research, education, and assistance to people
of all ages who live with the pain of Arthritis. We really appreciate your support.
Do you notice lately that as the
summer begins to heat up that you are
spending more time on the couch or in
your chair enjoying the air conditioning?
Have you ever wondered why exercise
has to be so exerting or sweaty. Exercise
is probably on the bottom of your list
if it is on it at all. Recently the health
column written by Doctor K (Komaroff)
gave several good exercises for a “couch
potato.” His information was from
physical therapist, Kailyn Collins, who
gave him these suggestions:
While lying flat on your back on the
couch or bed, lift one leg 8-12 times
concentrating on using your thigh
muscles. Repeat with the other leg.
Turn to your side and lift your leg up
times using your thigh muscles
imagine a half “Jumping Jack”). Roll to
the other side and repeat.
New Exercise
Schedule for
The Oasis
Advanced Water Aerobics
Monday & Wednesday
am-9:30 am
Exercise in the PAC
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Tai Chi
Men’s Only Water Aerobics
Tuesday & Thursday
am - 9:15 am
Arthritis Foundation Water Aerobics
Tuesday & Thursday
am - 10:15 am
Arthritis Foundation Sit/Stand Class
Tuesday & Thursday
am - 11:45 am
NEW! Walk With Ease Reunion Walk
rd Monday
am - 11:30 am