flagship status with the Arthritis
Foundation in November of 2012. We
have also had seminars to communicate
aspects of the different forms of arthritis
and most recently “Put Pain in Its Place”
which provided helpful information to
empower people with Arthritis keep
How can you help?
We need:
Participants to walk
Sponsors to support our walkers
and contribute on their behalf
Volunteers to help with
registration and serving
Last year we had more than 40 people
come out to support us by walking and
contributed over $400.
• 4 •
The Pinecone
May 2014
Annual Ki rby Pines
Walk to Cure
Mens only Water Aerobics class is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30-9:15
in the Oasis pool and is led by Mary Hand. Did you know chest deep water takes
of your body weight off your hips, knees, and ankles? The natural buoyancy
of water supports your body to relieve many balance issues and the warm water
soothes sore muscles. Here are some benefits:
Improved endurance, flexibility, and range of motion
Improved pulmonary function • Strengthened muscles
Muscle relaxation and pain relief • Improved bone density
Decreased joint and soft tissue inflammation
Come give it a try: You’ll be surprised how much fun exercise in the water can be.
Water Aerobics is not just a Ladies’ Activity.
On Wednesday, May 21, at 10:30 we will
begin gathering in the Lobby for our
Annual Kirby Pines Arthritis Walk to
Cure. This will be a one mile walk either
indoor through the halls or outdoors
around the lake if weather permits. Pre-
register with Mary Hand in the
Oasis or sign up the day of the
We are getting together
to show our support for
the Arthritis Foundation.
We’ll have door prizes and
light refreshments for those
who register. We’ll also
have some fun games in
the lobby for those who
don’t participate in the
walk with us.
Our goal is to raise $1000
for the Arthritis Foundation.
The funds that are raised will go towards
research, education for public awareness
about arthritis and sponsoring exercise
programs for people of all ages especially
Here at Kirby Pines we have four
different types of exercises classes
that were made possible through
the Arthritis Foundation. We gained
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
The Oasis offers
the following
Tai chi in the PAC
at 2:00 pm
Arthritis Foundation Aquatics
Tuesdays and Thursdays
at 9:30 am
Arthritis Foundation Exercise
Tuesdays and Thursdays
at 11:00 am
Walk with Ease
Mondays and Wednesdays
at 10:30 am
New class starts in the Fall)