The Pinecone
November 2015
• 17 •
Puzzle Solutions - page 21 Choice
24. Average
26. Straying from the right
28. Moving very fast
31. Twitch
32. Appear
35. Metal fastener
37. Youngster
41. Paddle
42. Simple crane
44. On the sheltered side
45. Cheer for a great
47. Short note
48. Scale drawing of a
49. Mischievous fairy
51. Greek letter
53. Kind of something
56. Bicycle for two
60. Main body of a written work
61. Wading bird
64. Flatbottom boat
65. One of a pair used to
control a horse
66. Outspoken
68. Wheeled vehicle, can be
pushed or pulled
69. Small island
70. Call forth
71. Pitcher
72. Look searchingly
73. Religious doctrine
74. Counter tenor
13. Adolescent
21. Jurisprudence
46. Wine merchant
48. Cure all
something done
67. Allow
G i an t C r o s s wo r d
1. Asterisk
5. Proverb
10. Hit sharply
14. Step
15. Concentrate
16. Heap
17. Halo
18. Keynot of a major or
minor scale
19. Not in use
20. Tumble
22. Remake
23. Inert gas
24. Average
26. Straying from th right c urse
28. Moving very fast
31. Twitch
32. Appear
35. Metal fastener
37. Youngster
41. Paddle
42. Simple crane
44. On the sheltered side
45. Cheer for a great performance
47. Short note
48. Scale drawing of a structure
49. Mischievous fairy
51. Greek letter
53. Kind of something
56. Bicycle for two
60. Main body of a written work
61. Wading bird
64. Flatbottom boat
65. One of a pair used to control
orse66. Outspoken
68. Wheeled vehicle, can be
pushed or pulled
69. Small island
70. Call forth
71. Pitcher
72. Look searchingly
73. Religious doctrine
74. Counter tenor
1. Cramp
2. Fuscous
3. Strong and sharp
4. Pragmatism
5. Towards the stern or tail
6. Entrance
7. Skin condition
8. Usher
9. Accompany
10. Leaves eaten cooked or raw
(see photo for hint)
11. Broaden
12. Distribute
13. Adolescent
21. Jurisprudence
25. Square root of eighty-one
27. Stack of hay
29. Cultivate by growing
30. Fatigued
32. Weep
33. Organ of hearing
34. Division of geological time
36. Green acidic fruit
38. Unwell
39. Pasture
40. Lair
42. Hemispherical roof
43. Young male horse
46. Wine merchant
48. Cure all
50. Type of hedge
52. Restaurant bill
53. Migratory aquatic birds
54. Expatriate
55. Higher up
57. Slow manner of speech
58. Type of heron
59. Paris subway system
60. Journey
62. Graphic symbol
63. A reason for wanting
something done
67. Allow
70. Center of a storm