The Pinecone
August 2016
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Aug 5:
Music with Kenny
Introducing musician, comic, and im-
pressionist, Kenny Lackey! Kenny’s
show includes oldies but goodies as well
as a wide range of musical greats that is
sure to entertain and please any audi-
ence. His piano and voice skills will cap-
tivate and excite as well. With a touch of
clean comedy and a warm heart, please
enjoy and welcome the musical sounds
of the Kenny Lackey Show. Join us in
the Lobby at 6:00 pm.
Aug 7 & 28:
Hymn Sing with
Join Matthew for song and worship on
these two Sundays in the PAC from 3:30
pm to 5:00 pm.
Aug 8:
Smart Moves
This month’s topic is “Maintaining
Proper Hydration” 9:00 am in PAC.
Notice this is a new time. It has been
changed permanently.
Aug 9:
Methodist Health
Alliance Presentation
Parkinson’s Disease affects up to 1 mil-
lion people in the United States. Doc-
tors diagnose as many as 60,000 cases
each year. Parkinson’s strikes 50 more
men than women and the average age
of onset is 60. Join Chrystal Fritz with
Methodist Home Care to learn and un-
derstand more about this disease. Tues-
day, August 9th at 10:30 am in the LCR.
Aug 9:
Birthday Night Concert
with Jerald Walker Ensemble
Jerald Walker, a senior at Overton High
School, is not only a fine violinist, but
is a prodigious composer and conduc-
tor of the recently formed Chamber
Ensemble of 20 members. His com-
positions include two full symphonies
and several concertos, all of which have
been publicly performed in concerts or
recitals. He was selected to perform in
the Honors Performance Series concert
at Carnegie Hall in New York City on
Valentine’s Day. Don’t miss this exciting
performance. Tuesday, August 9th at
6:30 pm in the PAC.
Aug 10:
Garden Gro’ers
Club Meeting
Congratulations All Gro’ers!! We have
had the best tomato season ever. We
have enjoyed sharing them with our fel-
low residents. The secret Watermelon
Patch melons will be ripe and ready
for eating at our August Meeting on
Wednesday, the 10th at 10:30 am in
The Gazabo. We are beginning to plan
our winter garden projects. Root and
green leafy vegetables plus onions will
be planted once the last of the summer
produce has been harvested. You don’t
need a green thumb to be a member of
this busy group.. Remember, give a to-
mato and make a friend. Come on down
to the Greenhouse every 2nd Wednes-
day at 10:30 am and dig in! Contact Dr.
Charles Parrott with questions at 795-
Aug 10:
Memphis Hearing
Aid Service
On the second Wednesday of every
month, at 10:00 am in the Arts & Crafts
room, Dr. Rena C Booth will be of-
fering: Free Hearing Evaluation, Free
Hearing Aid Consultation, Free Hear-
ing Aid Clean, Check, and Adjustment.
Please call 682-1529 for more informa-
tion or to schedule a visit.
Aug 11:
Magnum P.I.:
Lest We Forget
A Supreme Court nominee hires Mag-
num to find the woman he married on
the eve of the raid of Pearl Harbor. Sepa-
rated during the bombings, she was pre-
sumed dead until recently. Movie Show
Times 10:30 am & 1:30 pm.
Aug 12:
Watermelon Seed
Spitting Contest
Come one, come all to the Annual
Watermelon Seed Spittin’ Contest on
Friday, August 12 outside C/D Wing.
Everyone is practicing and ready to
find out who the best spitter really is!
Whether a contestant or not, come en-
joy the fun and ice cold slice of water-
melon 10:00 am.
Aug 12:
Music with
Kevin Carson
Kevin is a talented guitarist and vocal-
ist who specializes in songs from the 50s
with a little from the 60s and 70s. He’s
been a band leader for the past 20 years,
touring throughout the US, Canada,
Europe, and Asia with such notables as
Hootie & The Blowfish, Edwin McCain,
Willie Nelson, and Jonny Lee. Join the
gang at 6:00 pm in the Lobby.
Aug 13:
Through the Bible
Through the Bible is an intense study of
the Bible led by Gail Kommer, meeting
the second Saturday of every month at
10:30 am in the Chapel. Class discus-
sion encouraged. Join this group of la-
dies who enjoy learning about God’s
Aug 16:
Dance with the Jim
Mahannah Band & Ballroom
Dancing with the Linns
We will start this evening out with a
Ballroom Dancing Program with Dr.
John and Kathy Linn at 6:30 in The
Performing Arts Center. Dr John and
Kathy have been ballroom dancing for
fun and competition for many years.
They will once again entertain us with
various types of dance including Latin
and Traditional “as they trip the light