The Pinecone
August 2016
• 17 •
Puzzle Solutions - page 21
Puzzle Choice
25. Metallic element
26. Powerfully persuasive
29. Redact
31. Type of tree
34. Not together
35. Long-necked wading bird
36. Compete
37. Morass
38. Famous boy wizard
39. Swerve
40. Finish
41. Large bovid
42. Consignment
43. Pasture
44. Cricket term
45. Hurry
46. Female deer
47. Ebbs and flows
48. Cover
51. Herbivorous quadruped
53. Acquired
56. Nauseating
58. On edge
60. Additional
61. Tournament
62. Frog-like sound
63. Cervid
64. Curve
65. Bird of prey
13. Rip
19. Join together
38. Bee house
39. Ornamental jar
55. Youngster
57. Weep
59. Epoch
G i an t C r o s s wo r d
1. Cetacean mammal
6. Part of the forearm
10. Furry mammal
14. Competitor
15. Gaseous element
16. Wheel shaft
17. Wear away
18. Soldier of ancient Rome
20. Novel
21. Computer peripheral
23. Observed
24. Heaviness
25. Metallic element
26. Powerfully persuasive
29. Redact
31. Type of tree
34. Not together
35. Long-necke wading bird
36. Compete
37. Morass
38. Famous boy wizard
39. Swerve
40. Finish
41. Large bovid
42. Consignment
43. Pasture
44. Cricket term
45. Hurry
46. Female deer
47. Ebbs and flows
48. Cover
51. Herbivorous quadruped
(see photo for hint)
53. Acquired
56. Nauseating
58. On edge
60. Additional
61. Tournament
62. Frog-like sound
63. Cervid
64. Curve
65. Bird of prey
1. Small bird
2. Charter
3. Affirm
4. Boy or man
5. Basic substance
6. Unexpurgated
7. Fermentation sediment
8. Not any
9. Insect
10. Nobleman
11. Go out
12. Succulent plant
13. Rip
19. Join together
22. Frequently
24. In this place
25. Diminutive
26. Dromedary
27. Speak up
28. Irish police force
29. Mistake
30. Sew
31. Obviate
32. Blockade
33. Water bird
35. Lawsuit
38. Bee house
39. Ornamental jar
41. Cubicle
42. Recurrent series
45. Belonging to him
46. Try to prevent
47. Tendency
48. Toboggan
49. Unit of play in golf
50. Alleviate
51. Trust
52. Portent
53. Rum and water
54. Ellipse
55. Youngster
57. Weep
59. Epoch