The Pinecone
November 2015
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f r om Don J oh n s on , K i r b y P i n e s Chap l a i n
Chaplain’s COrner
Discouraged by his 10 years of defeat on
his efforts to end slavery in the British
Empire, William Wilberforce, who
became an English politician in 1780
and an evangelical Christian in 1785,
was distressed and disheartened. When
he opened his Bible to seek uplifting
and understanding, a piece of paper
fell out. It was a letter from the famous
Methodist minister, John Wesley.
Wesley’s words were challenging and
“Unless the divine power has raised you
up…I see not how you can go through
your glorious enterprise in opposing
that abominable practice of slavery
which is the scandal of religion, of
England, of human nature. Unless God
has raised you up for this very thing,
you will be worn out by opposition of
men and devils. But if God be for you,
who can be against you? Are all of them
together stronger than God? Oh, be not
weary in well doing. Go on in the name
of God and in the power of His might.”
Together with the help of others
Wilberforce saw the passing of the
Slave Trade Act of 1807, forbidding
British ships from carrying men to be
sold as slaves. After more years of
efforts and failures, England finally
declared the Slavery Abolition Act of
1833. It abolished slavery throughout
the British Empire. It took Wilberforce
20 years to see his dreams become
reality. Men of lesser commitment
and conviction would have given up.
After so long what’s the use anyway?
Wilberforce died three days after this
Act was passed.
Whenever we engage in something
necessary and worthwhile we will
always meet opposition. It can come
from many sides. Continual rejection
can cause us to grow weary and even
give up. We are told the status quo
will never change. Everyone must
accept things as they are. We are often
promised “change” but the promises are
never kept. Nothing good and positive
occurs. The situation grows worse.
Why should we bother? Does it really
matter if we persevere? Will anything
come of our not letting go?
This may apply to political issues, to
social concerns and to personal matters.
The answer is “YES!” Tracy McGrady,
a basketball player for the Houston
Rockets, faced an impossible situation.
His team was behind the San Antonio
Spurs by eight points with only 41
seconds left in the game. The outcome
of a score like this is 99% predictable.
The team this far ahead with so little
time left to play will win. But Tracy’s
focus and goal was to win. In 33 seconds
he scored 13 points and led his team
to victory over San Antonio 81 to 80.
Impossible…presumeably. Amazing…
Wesley’s words to Wilberforce can
challenge us today. If God has raised us
up for anything, we can be assured He is
greater than any problem
confronting us.
Great insight is found
in the Bible verse,
Galatians 6:9,
“And let us not
grow weary
in doing
good, for in
due season
we shall
reap if we do not
lose heart.”
Never let go!
Always push
Don’t believe
others who tell us it
can’t be done!
Start today!
Till next time,
Don Johnson,
Kirby Pines
November Vesper Services
Performing Arts Center
November 12th
Dave Phillips
Church of Christ
November 19th
David Weatherly
United Methodist
November 26th
Thanksgiving Day
There will be no
Vespers Service
November 5th
Dr. Will Jones
Germantown Presbyterian
William Wilberforce