Kirby Pines - Pinecone - page 5

E xp l a i n i ng
The Pinecone
December 2013 • 5 •
Osteoarthritis is a disease of the cartilage in joints. Osteoarthritis causes progressive breakdown of cartilage until the bones,
which were once separated by cartilage, rub against each other. This results in damage to the tissue and underlying bone,
causing the painful joint symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis results from chemical changes in the cartilage that causes it to breakdown faster than it
can be produced. In most cases, the cause of this cartilage breakdown is unknown. In
a few people, there seems to be a link between cartilage breakdown and other factors,
including injury to a joint and a family history of osteoarthritis.
Steps can be taken to help control the symptoms or to help prevent the progression of
These include controlling weight, injury prevention, and exercise.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis include:
Pain most often in the spine, hands, hips, knees, and feet
Stiffness after inactivity that lasts less than 1 hour
Limited motion in joints
Tenderness and occasional swelling
Deformity in the joints
Crackling or “creaking” of the joints, usually painless
It is important to continue exercise when you have osteoarthritis. Joints and muscles need to be exercised to prevent stiffness and
weakness. Also, exercise will make you feel better
and help you maintain a healthy weight. Excess
body weight places extra force and pressure
on arthritis joints and causes osteoarthritis to
progress more rapidly. Exercising will not “wear
out” a damaged joint. Without exercise, not only
will muscle strength be lost but osteoarthritis
will progress faster. Stretching and strengthening
exercises will help strengthen the muscles and
ligaments surrounding a joint, which in turn will
protect and reduce stress on the joint.
There are simple exercises to assist with stretching
and maintaining range of motion. Please contact
Jason Sparrow OTD, OTR/L at 366-1819 for
further details.
Osteoarthritis of the Hand
Osteoarthritis of the Hip
Osteoarthritis of the Knee
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