Kirby Pines - Pinecone - page 9

The Pinecone
December 2013
• 9 •
A Gi f t
– What Can It Be?
Christmas is so close and we are
thinking more about giving gifts. What
do our family and friends want most
this year? What would bring a lot of joy
and happiness to our children and loved
ones? What would they really enjoy?
Something unique this year: one size
fits all; something everyone could enjoy;
and something that would not require
dusting or assembling or feeding or
refrigeration. Something valuable, yet
affordable; what will it be this year that
will get everyone excited?
It is offered online in one of those pop-
up ads, advertised all the time on TV
and in the paper or magazines. Do you
really think we could order it on
The gift is actually not very expensive,
but could make other aspects of your
life very costly without it. Some gifts
are like Grace: totally undeserved
and freely given. Other gifts come
with conditions or strings attached.
Some gifts are received when you make
the right choices. Some gifts are the
reward for a lot of hard work and time
well spent. This particular gift usually
develops and rarely received all at once.
Often we don’t value the gift until it is
gone. Are you wondering yet like the
kids do when they see a large box with
beautiful wrappings under the tree:
What is it? What is it?
If you haven’t already guessed, it’s the
Gift of Good Health. It is available in
any size, shape, and color to fit you or
should I say to keep you fit. Everyone
can enjoy your good health with you.
Have you ever toasted someone, “To
your Health!” Good Health is hoped
for, prayed for, greatly desired and
celebrated when health is recovered.
Everyone knows that healthy eating,
rest and exercise will help.
Never take that gift of good health for
granted. Give thanks for that blessing.
Share your good health with others.
Find an exercise buddy and invite
them to take a walk with you or join
an exercise class offered here at Kirby
Pines. Meet someone at the Oasis
(we never close) and exercise
together on the Nusteps. Keep
each other encouraged for every
accomplishment andaccountable
to do what they promised.
The Arthritis Foundation researched
how long and how often is ideal. Thirty
minutes three times per week will help
maintain health. but 30 - 60 minutes
5 times per week will make a real
difference. Not sure you can go that
long? Even 10 minutes three times each
day will add up and is just as effective
as a 30 minute session. If you are new
to exercise, pace yourself: start slow
and then gradually add minutes and
intensity to your session.
Invite a friend or new resident to
join you in an exercise class that
you can enjoy together. Here are
a few of the classes offered:
Exercise in the PAC on Monday,
Wednesday, Friday at 9:30
Water aerobics (Advanced)
Monday, Wednesday at 8:30
Arthritis Foundation Water Class
Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30
Arthritis Foundation Exercise on
Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00
Tai Chi is offered on
Monday afternoon at 2:00
As well as Line dancing,
Gardening, and Walking with
lots of lovely places to enjoy.
The Oasis is never closed. If you
are looking for some personal
training, check with Mary in the
Oasis and she can give you some
one-on-one advice to get you
started with your plan to improve
your health. So unwrap that gift
of Good Health; Do it for yourself
and Do it for your loved ones.
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