The Pinecone
December 2015 • 3 •
welcome to
3535 Kirby Road • Memphis, TN 38115
Married for 64 years, Mary
Artman and her husband, Jack,
were native Memphians. Jack,
a retired Staff Sergeant in the
Marines, passed away in Feb-
ruary 2015. The family con-
sists of 3 children, 6 grandchil-
dren, and 3 great grands.
Mary is very active in her
church, Central Christian
Church, serving as an Elder,
Leader of the Christian Wom-
en’s Fellowship, Teacher in
the children’s Sunday School,
and Camp Counselor. She en-
joys sewing, bridge, reading,
and refinishing and upholster-
ing furniture. She and her
husband traveled to England,
France, Hawaii, Canada, and
“all over” the U.S. Now wid-
owed, Mary continues to travel
but prefers cruise ships. She
also has yearly vacations with
family at the beach.
We are pleased that Mary has
chosen the Kirby Pines Retire-
ment Community as her new
home. We also invite her to
use experience gained by many
years of active involvement in
Church activities, to further the
work of Kirby Pines volunteer
opportunities – newcomers are
urged to “try their hand” and
participate in the wide variety
of programs geared to enhanc-
ing the lives of our residents.
Marilyn comes to the Kirby
Pines Retirement Commu-
nity from her previous home
in Germantown, TN. She and
husband, John, were married
for 57 years. They moved
33 times during their years
together, living in Tennes-
see, Mississippi, Wisconsin,
and Kentucky. John was in
the Marine Corps and served
in the Korean War. For 18
months, Marilyn worked in
Washington, D.C. for the FBI
while John was in the Mili-
tary. They have 3 children
and 4 grandchildren. John
passed away in 2013.
In addition to living and
working in Washington,
D.C., Marilyn traveled to
New York City and the Holy
Land. Christian music and
“soft” music are her prefer-
ences. Leisure time finds
her working jigsaw puzzles,
painting, and watching TV.
We are pleased to welcome
Marilyn Price to our retire-
ment community. She’s cer-
tain to make new friends
and find many opportuni-
ties to pursue her interests
and develop new ones along
the way. So if you see Mari-
lyn around, make her feel at
home with smile and a hello!
Married for 59.5 years, Don-
ald and Mary Louise (Louise)
come to our community from
their previous home in Col-
lierville, TN. Two children and
four grandchildren complete
the family’s constellation.
Donald’s 56 years in the work
force include 31 years with
Sears as a stock man, 12 years
with Jordon Window Com-
pany in shipping and receiv-
ing, and 13 years as a truck
driver. He also served in the
Army National Guard for three
years, including 6 months ac-
tive duty; and 5 years with the
Air Force National Guard with
the rank of Staff Sergeant. He
was an aircraft mechanic. Lou-
ise worked 12 years for Sears
as a typist; 5 years at Harding
Academy as a teacher’s aide,
and 18.5 years at St. Francis
Hospital in medical records.
Donald’s interests are fishing
and yard work, and Louise’s
are reading and traveling.
They also enjoy church activi-
ties, visiting with friends, and
frequent socializing with their
Get to know Donald and Lou-
ise South. Many of us can re-
late to their varied but steady
work history; economic mis-
fortune was not their lot. Life
is indeed good. Kirby Pines
welcomes them. They’ve made
the right choice in joining us.
Don & Louise
Marjorie Ann Thomson (Jan)
is the embodiment of constant
motion. Her kin and personal
life give lie to traditional as-
sumptions and notions that fe-
males are the weaker sex and
need to be “looked after”.
Married 49 years, Jan and her
husband, Dudley, have 4 chil-
dren, 11 grandchildren, and 5
great grands. Dudley passed
away in 1999. In 1952, UT
Knoxville awarded Jan a B.A.
Degree in English and Speech.
She also earned a Masters in
School Media, from Peabody
College. The degrees led to
29 years employment in the
Shelby County School system
and Memphis City Schools,
teaching English, Speech, and
Library Science. She was hon-
ored as a Rotary Club teacher
of the year in 1988, as an Am-
bassador of the school system.
She speaks at many gatherings,
mostly about story telling. Her
interests include crafts, bridge,
reading, writing, drama, story
telling, Bible study, and travel.
Kirby Pines welcomes Jan
with open arms. This skilled,
talented, educated, and young-
at-heart new resident is a wel-
comed addition to the wide
variety of programs and vol-
unteer opportunities that make
Kirby Pines the place to be.
Jan Thomson and Kirby Pines
Retirement Community is a
win-win combination.
All New Resident bios are written by Jacqueline Besteman, Kirby Pines Resident