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The Pinecone
December 2015
Bettie Killebrew
employee of the month
As the Evening Supervisor for The Manor and Jobs Way, Ms. Killebrew goes above and beyond her
duties in many ways. She consistently checks on the residents, even after she goes home and always
follows up with them if they are having any concerns.
She also keeps resident’s families informed about their loved ones and how they are doing on a regular
basis. She cares for Kirby residents so much, she often buys small gifts for them, just to brighten their
day. Thank you, Ms. Killebrew for being a team player!
- Anna Bradford, Director of Medical Services
Here’s Your Opportunity
To Get To Know Kirby Pines!
December 2nd
“Tax Seminar”
Let the experts at
Watkins Uiberall show you
how to use medical tax deduction
considerations to help you
realize tremendous tax savings.
Begins at 11:00 a.m.
Kirby Pines Performing Arts Center
December 11th
“Christmas Luncheon”
Come celebrate the
holiday with the
Kirby Pines family.
Begins at 11:00 a.m.
Kirby Pines Grand Lobby
and Performing Arts Center
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Kirby Pines
For more information on these
events, please call 901-369-7340
If you, a friend or a family member
are interested in learning more
about Kirby Pines, join us!
The annual Kirby Pines Crusade For Christ will be Wednesday through Friday,
January 20-22, 2016, nightly in the Performing Arts Center at 6:30 PM.
Dr. Sandy Wilson, Senior Pastor of Second Presbyterian will open this event.
Brad White, globally known singer and musician performing in 50 states in
the US, in all 10 provinces of Canada, and in 70 foreign countries
will present an unforgettable concert on Thursday night.
Plan to attend and bring others with you.
Look for more information to come in January!
Kirby Pines residents and
Retirement Companies of
America, LLC. have con-
tributed a total of $5,025
to Samaritan’s Purse.
This money will be used
to purchase shoeboxes
filled with Christmas gifts
that will be distributed
in December to children
around the world in 150
different countries. For
many children, this will
be the first Christmas gift
they have ever received.
A challenge was presented to our residents in September that we raise $2,500 to
give to Samaritan’s Purse to purchase 100 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.
Our residents responded to this challenge as they always do. Not only did we reach
our goal of $2,500, we doubled the amount that will be used to purchase 201 gift
shoeboxes. Samaritan’s Purse is a part of the Rev. Franklin Graham ministry located
in Boone, North Carolina.
Now that we have given the money to purchase the shoeboxes, the most important
thing we can do is to begin praying for the children who will receive one of these
shoe box gifts.
Thank you Kirby Pines and RCA for making this happen!
Charles Trammell, President of Retirement Companies of America,
Berry Terry, Secretary/Treasurer of Psalms, LLC and Don Johnson,
Kirby Pines Chaplain present a check to Samaritan’s Purse.